Hope Dube


When Carol, my sister-in-law became a “lady barber” at a time when women only styled hair on other women, I thought: “That’s different!”

My Mother Alice, coincidentally was finishing the rearing of her eighth child (my baby Brother Bobby) about the same time. No longer being constrained from working by my old fashioned Dad (who died a few years earlier), Alice decided to join me in classes at the New Hampshire Barber College.

Fast forward fifty years. I’m a successful entrepreneur, owner/operator of a highly popular salon. Also a Producer and Master of Ceremonies at many fashion shows at my salon and at other locations when the size of the show called for a larger venue.

Anyone would have completely understood if I took my victory lap and rode off into retirement. But that’s not me.

I always wanted to try something in the arts but had no clue where to focus my desire. Some may laugh at this but I decided to visit Dusty Bunker, an astrologist.

O. K. call me crazy, but the minute Dusty said I would be good in water colors, it just seemed the perfect art form to pursue.

I took a water color class with Doris Rice, a well know artist. After only a few paintings I knew Dusty had called it correctly. Then about four years ago I heard of a technique working with water base oils.

I started to work with water base oils and immediately fell in love with the freedom. You just roll out your paints, lay your paper down and start creating.

I never took a class in water base oils but found that I love doing abstracts, working with both water colors and water base oils.

I have never done anything in life that has seemed so right for me or flowed so easily from within. Painting for me is a spiritual experience. It puts me in touch with something within me and at the same time beyond me that yearns for being.

If you find something here that appeals to you, it would thrill me thinking of how much my inspired artworks would brighten your spirits right in your own home or office.

Thanks for visiting. Hope Dube